Confusion, Ambiguity, Tension and the Bottom Line

Internal communication issues can cause big problems in your business

Bob’s team wasn’t performing well. In fact, they were dead last in the nation in sales. “I need help on execution,” he told me. “My team just can’t seem to do what I ask them to do We have meetings and they seem to understand what we need to do. But they don’t actually do anything. They keep coming to me for more information, more clarity. I don’t know how to be any clearer. Our sales are dragging and the special projects I assigned aren’t getting done. We have a problem with execution.”

Bob did have a problem with execution, the core of which was a problem with communication.

Communication impacts many facets of how a company operates. But to what extent does poor communication directly impact the bottom line? Fortune and the Hay Group found the office climate accounts for up to 25% of the variance in performance.

We evaluated Bob’s execution challenges and diagnosed 3 symptoms his team were consistently manifesting which pointed to specific and easy for correct communication problems. 

Symptom #1: Confusion

While the company Bob worked for was highly profitable and had products in a growing market, they managed by fire drill. Urgent yet tactical requests came from the Home Office, distracting Bob and his team weekly if not daily. Lack of clarity on priorities prevented progress on important projects and sales strategies. The constant shifts in focus reduced productivity and slowed the team’s ability to capture time sensitive market opportunities. While Bob couldn’t change the company’s approach to management, he could change his.

Bob adopted a method called the Focus 4 to bring complete clarity to his team. He identified 4 major strategies that would remain the primary focus of this team throughout the year, regardless of what the Home Office thought was urgent. He shared his Focus 4 with his team and explained that they needed to be prepared during every 1:1 or meeting to address progress in their contribution to achieving the Focus 4. This crystalized for the team what was really important providing the clarity they needed.

Symptom #2: Ambiguity

Bob assigned team members to lead major projects telling them it was sign of his strong belief in their abilities. He assumed that they knew how to implement because they were smart, talented professionals. The problem was that they assumed the same thing and implemented what they thought was important, often working counter to what Bob intended. Key deliverables were either late or never delivered, little progress was made, and this contributed to their poor results. 

I used an analogy of a football team with Bob since he had played in college. “Imagine your team on the field in a deep fog. The quarterback knows he is the leader on the field. He’s calling plays but the team just fumbles around making no progress toward the end zone. In fact, sometimes they drive toward the wrong goal post. The problem is that with the fog they can’t see the end zone. They can only see the next yard line and beyond that they need the coaches help to know where to go next.  Lack of clarity (the fog) on what’s important, (reaching the end zone) makes it impossible to achieve your goals (score a touchdown).”

To enhance his clarity Bob began to:

  • Provide highly structured information for every project, the results he expected from the project, and his vision of success
  • Major deliverables and when they were due
  • Important stakeholders with whom the team would need to communicate and the type of support to expect from them

Symptom #3: Tension T

Bob held annual expectations meetings with each team member to discuss their sales goals and special assignments. He also had a weekly conference call to discuss how things were going. It was unstructured and had no planned agenda. In addition, the company’s management by fire drill put constant demands on his time forcing Bob to shift his schedule almost daily. The team’s frustrated grew over time because he was unavailable when they needed guidance and they felt mounting pressure to achieve stronger results. Team member retention became a risk and productivity was dramatically impacted.

To fix this problem, Bob and his team developed a visual operating plan that incorporated a list of key steps project leaders needed to take to produce the deliverables. This visual plan became the foundation for their Friday calls, which were now structured as accountability meetings versus update meetings. Rather than pointing fingers, the discussion focused on how they could overcome the challenges. This approach improved communication between Bob and his team and ultimately execution of their Focus 4. 

Communication is at the root of many problems that impact results in a business. Improving communication can have a dramatic impact on your results. For Bob, it meant moving from last to 1st in one year, recognition and awards for all of them and promotions in many cases.